wellness warriors
If you feel like your life is controlling you more than you are controlling your life...
If you are tired, stressed, bloated, you are dealing with chronic inflammation or other dis-ease... let’s chat to see if our Wellness Warriors program is a good fit for you.
Together we can construct a healthier version of your present self to be guided toward a more vibrant, easeful future.
I know each person's wellness journey is unique. For me, yoga is the gateway to better wellness, increased energy, greater attunement to your body and its needs, and more refined intuition. One reason I love running a local yoga studio is that since April of 2021, I have been able to witness folks grow on their mats, not only in their practice but also in their self-confidence!
And yet ... I have also watched folks struggle to be all that they can be. I struggle too; I will be the first to admit it! But I have structures in place to fall back on when I notice I have inadvertently hopped aboard the struggle bus. Friends: I want to share these structures with you.
Wellness Warriors was birthed so you can learn to channel your inner warrior along the path to greater wellbeing. We need our inner warrior because old habits that support our dis-ease, our stagnation and our mental and physical inflexibility are ingrained and patterned in a way that is difficult to override -- at first.
This program has been "in the works" for a long time. In the fall of 2021, just four months after Kindred Flow held its first class, I was ready to launch the Wellness Warriors program. However, Life halted me with a big "Nope, not right now!" in the form of strokes and seizures (due to a previously undiagnosed underlying health condition which has since been repaired). With my trust in my mat and in my body completely dissolved, I was left wondering if I would ever practice again, much less have the stamina and brain space to run a yoga studio.
And yet, I found gratitude: for the chance to still be with the people I loved, that I was surrounded by responsive, caring yogis when it happened, that my injuries were not more severe. With the help of this supportive community, my beloved friends and family, and a lot of OT and PT, I ate well, worked hard, rested harder, switched my phone to dark mode, silenced my notifications, rested some more (regrowing your brain is exhausting!) and finally, cautiously, rolled out my mat again.
To this day, I am certain the loving support I received, in addition to the foundation of wellness I had previously laid out for myself, and an enormous amount of plain old luck all combined to help me find success that first time back on my mat. I literally approached the practice with a beginner's mindset because I feared I would not be able to do anything. Each movement, each breath in and each breath out was an invitation to be curious about what would happen. I was forced to stay in the present moment and I was ready to quit at the first sign of regression or weakness. I was sweating by my first down dog, one side was definitely stronger than the other, AND I managed about 20 minutes of movement -- a far cry from what I had been doing just two weeks prior.
But it was something, and it was both exhausting and empowering. Friends, although we live in a dualistic world where we like to put things in their appropriate box and lock it ... in truth those things can be both, simultaneously impossible AND worthwhile.
The dream of Wellness Warriors was shelved for nearly two years while I slowed down, tended to my needs, regrew my brain and with it my practice. With the help of the amazing team of teachers at Kindred Flow, we stayed open so you could still practice too. With the help of a dear friend who trusted me more than I trusted myself, I returned to teaching six weeks later. With the help of our community, Kindred Flow survived its first year. I could not have done it without my tribe, and I am forever grateful.
The lessons I learned during my recovery directly inform a version of Wellness Warriors that far exceeds my original vision. Because I was forced to scale back to the simplest of steps simply to get through my day, I could appreciate what it was like to start over at the beginning. And because my tribe rallied, I realized the TRUE benefits to recuperating and evolving with support.
With the benefits of our Wellness Warrior group dynamic, you can start at the beginning as well. You will learn and implement simple habits to manifest your wellness off the mat. You will enjoy laughter, accountability, hear the answers to questions you may have forgotten you had, and above all else, celebrate the chance to be authentically YOU in a judgment-free, let's-keep-it-real, supportive zone.
Enrollment involves participation in weekly group calls via zoom, quarterly 1:1 coaching (in person, over the phone or via zoom), and seasonal free attendance to special events or series (including kids yoga camps) at Kindred Flow Yoga + Wellness. Calls are recorded if you must miss, but live attendance is encouraged.
Payment options also include UNLIMITED weekly classes at Kindred Flow Yoga + Wellness. UNLIMITED. (I don't know how much longer I will keep that as an option. It's a good thing I love yoga so much.) If you have your own movement preferences or subscription/class passes already, you can simply subscribe to the Wellness Warrior program.
The truth is, the accumulation of your daily habits defines the quality of your life.
If you feel tired, stiff, sore, bloated, overwhelmed, and depleted, and you KNOW there must be more to life than waking up each day feeling like this ... you are right, AND let’s talk.
The Wellness Warriors program can help you take small actions to move from surviving each day…to thriving each season. We hope you join us!
What is a Wellness Warrior?
(Perhaps it is easier to begin by telling you what the program is NOT...)
What the Wellness Warriors program is NOT:
a fad diet
a marketing ploy to buy branded, pre-packaged supplements or food
physical weigh-ins or calorie counting
an MLM company
something to blow off after your initial commitment
What the Wellness Warriors program IS:
learning, understanding, implementing, and living 10 healthy habits
group accountability
an opportunity to embrace habits which inform and uplift your wellbeing, and to release the ones that keep you stagnant
incorporating Ayurveda-informed practices used for thousands of years to find alignment with our natural biorhythms
An investment in yourself to embrace TRUE self-care so that this time next year, you find you are more aware, alive, and energized